Saturday, November 14, 2009

Importance of Laziness

Lesson: Importance of laziness

Location: typical metro city (Delhi,Mumbai,Banglore…)

Time: 9:00-11:00 given that most offices open at 10:00.

Duration: Approximate average time required to reach office 45 minutes.So everyone gets going and hits the roads at around 9:15.
Considering the high population and traffic density there are numerous traffic jams all across. People get stuck on roads.
Nobody reaches office on time & a journey of 45 minutes takes somewhere around 1-2 hours. I just try to analyze the problem

******let us classify the people constituting road traffic into 2 segments
1. Active
2. Lazy

Case 1(Ok):
The whole population is lazy => nothing changes, status quo continues, same jams, and same times.
Case 2(Best Case):
Some lazy + Some active – some people notice the pattern, their will to action drives them and inherent non-laziness urges them to start early. So they start at 8:30.
The lazy ones who are indifferent (arguably better adapted) to the situation do not bother to take any action.
Result: the traffic density reduces simply because now half the population is travelling at a different time than others. So – no more jams.

Case 3 (infinitely Worst Case):
The whole population is active => nothing changes except that everyone is taking more trouble and more pain to end up in the same situation – only an hour earlier.

This piece of evidence derives 2 conclusions
1- laziness can only make the situation better or let it remain the same
2- Activity can make it worse.

Moral of the Story--
Be Lazy; make the world a better place to live: D

there are some super (smart) lazy people who will get up at 10:00 get going at 11:00 and when asked about the jam , would say what jam? or refer to breakfast spreads. :)