Thursday, December 17, 2009

:) Why Mediocre is the best :)

Why Mediocre is the best :)
When you are the best you tend to raise the bar. Expectations rise. Next time requires more effort.
When you are the worst you tend to break the bar.There is no expectation hence no support
So we should aim for the top and never reach there while ensuring we never hit the bottom.
Example 1:
A class of 30 people 5th standard.
A kid comes first.
In 6th standard he will be looked down upon even if he comes second.(बेचारे को डांट पड़ेगी--inspite of being 2nd)
He will be blamed for not studying properly and not putting much effort. (ज़रूर इसने पढाई नहीं की होगी)
On the other hand if he comes last, he will be scolded, scoffed at.
He will be so depressed that he will end believing in himself and remain at the bottom, even dig further.
(may be he'll think - पढाई का कोई फायदा नहीं ; मै ही ढोर हूँ )

Example 2:
A company of 10 salespeople
2001- An employee achieves highest figures
In 2002 if he does lesser he will be looked down upon even.
Again he will be blamed for not putting much effort or not concentrating on work.
If he does worst- he’s sacked. Depression—>end of self belief—>poorer show-->further depression.
Maybe some of that is in built in us, that is why we answer 6, 7, 8 when told to rate something on a scale of 10. We never tend to give a 0 or 10 especially when question Is on us.

A look at 3 viewpoints

View from the BOTTOM-

1. TOP is way too far
2. Everyone visible is ahead
3. Already discarded- not even normal assistance from others
View from the TOP-
1. Everywhere visible is Downwards.
2. Lonely
3. Nothing left to achieve- no motivation
For a normal human both are scary

Just look at A sane MEDIOCRE guy :)
1. Can grow, Can fall.
2. Can achieve=motivation ; can fall= caution
3. Neither lonely nor overcrowded.
Now seeing the 3 cases choose your strategy :)
Had to create a corollary--
You can only rise when you hit the Rock Bottom
When at the top you will only fall. :D

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Employee Ravi sees a loophole. (अगर ये काम करूँगा तो फायदा है , और ये पूरी तरह गलत भी नहीं है )
His mind wavers to analyze the benefits of using the loophole against the risk involved.
He checks around to see if any ones watching. He becomes more alert. (सतर्क aur चौकन्ना )
Adrenaline rush begins. He has a sense of excitement (रोमांच) and fun (मज़ा) just by thought of using the loophole.
Then just for the sake of adventure he goes ahead.
He gets a small benefit but a huge sense of achievement comes along.
He wants to tell everyone, boast about it but he can’t else the window of loophole closes.
He keeps shut does the same thing again. Results similar but this time the marginal gain (achievement, excitement, returns) are much lesser. This continues for some more time till the use of the loophole becomes a mundane(=> आदत हो जाती है) day to day activity.
At this point of time Ravi needs some motivation, something more, something different(कुछ और , कुछ नया ). He THINKS through, EXPLORES the system furthermore.
This activity helps his thought process and also his understanding of system. The curiosity to discover the loopholes drives him.
He succeeds finds a new one…………………….
Loophole has created Motivation, Thrill, Excitement, Alertness, Achievement, QuestForKnowledge, and ThoughtProcess.
Imagine a Series of events initiated by a person.. Who actually cheat and beat the system in front of everyone... And no one’s actually objected.. So he did more...n more... And found out that... It’s not he but the company who is cheating them with the candies of loopholes
Consider this from a company point of view. This will be the best Employee motivational tool in the future (if this is not already in Practice).
Many Ravi’s get motivated by loopholes, why not feed them with the same ---They r satisfied
And performing better

There's a Ravi in everyone.. You just have to find it-- and feed it with his set of loopholes :)

Note: Ravi is the name of the person who helped write this article. Actually he is very ethical and against any usage of flaws in System.